Wasyl & Elena Radomsky
Family Reunion,
Sunday, July 18th, 2004









Wasie (Radomsky) Kulka
in celebration of
her 85th Birthday (April 11)

Brunch (11 a.m.) in the Palm Room, Coast Terrace Inn,
4440 Gateway Blvd., Edmonton


Family Contact:

Zonia Klompas  (click to see Zonia's Page)

Merrilyn Klompas

Mary Dwernychuk

Stephania Kokotilo

John Radomsky

Hugh Lawford

Nick Radomsky

 John W. Radomsky

Kost Radomsky

Ron Radomsky

Jessie Semeniuk


Steve Radomsky

Amy Webb

Wasie Kulka

Ken Kulka

Tom Radomsky

Phillip Radomsky

Approximate cost: ADULTS $27.00; CHILDREN 5-16 yrs $16.00;
children 2-4 years $6.00; children under two free.  Prices include gratuity.
Bar service extra.  The INN will issue only one bill, so please be
prepared to pay cash.  No cheques or credit cards.

We need to know the number attending no later than May 31st, 2004.

NOTE: Aunt Wasie would prefer your PRESENCE, not presents.  No gifts, please.

Stephania Kokotilo (780) 489 8710
Amy Webb (780) 434 8369
Gloria Dunning (780) 466 7154
Dorothy Dwernychuk (780) 449 4289


We would appreciate you forwarding this information to all family members

We look forward to hearing and seeing all of you.

 Stephania,  Amy, Gloria, Dorothy



Just a reminder!  We need an approximate count by June 30th
and have to give the hotel a definite number on July 12th.


I've been going through my mother's picture album and found some family pictures that I will bring to the brunch. 
Please bring photos or other memorabilia of the Radomsky family so we may all enjoy seeing them. 
There will be easels and a table set up for display.


Brunch is at 11:00 (the buffet is open between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.)
and we have the Palm Room (a private dining area)  until 4:00 p.m. for visiting.


We look forward to seeing "cousins by the dozens" as Aunt Wasie has termed our gathering. 
Aunt Wasie is very excited about visiting with all of you.



The Radomsky Cousin Reunion

As long as I can remember, my mother, Wasie Radomsky Kulka, has cherished her family -
not only her own children but all the extended Radomsky family.

This Radomsky reunion of Wasyl and Elena's descendants is an answer to her prayers and a culmination of all she holds dear.

My brother, Ken Kulka, and I, and our families will be eternally grateful to those who made my mother's dreams come true:
Stephania Kokotilo
Amy Webb
Gloria Dunning 
Dorothy Dwernychuk

We are grateful for Nick Klompas setting up this website so that we can share family news and memories.

How good it will be to see all the cousins this July.

Cousin Sonia Kulka Coffin

PS: I've written some details about my family.  Click Here!

New! -- See My Scrapbook of Family Photos

A History of Wasyl & Elena Radomsky

Tom Radomsky's "My Story As I Remember"
Tom Talks About The Book

John Radomsky's story on the SmokyLake.com History Archive  (online)  backup

The BIG Gallery: Some Pictures Nick Klompas Collected

Read a biography: 

 Hugh Lawford  (online)  backup

Dr. John Radomsky  (online)   backup

Scanned Microsoft Word Documents:

The 1985 Reunion Folder  

The Radomsky Section from:
The Journey Continues: The Pawliuk Story”, 1991, The Semeniuk/Pawliuk Reunion Committee


A party at Dmytro (Metro) & Zonia Klompas' farm, circa 1946

Zonia, Mary, Olga (Kost's Wife), Pearl (Nick's Wife) & Kate (Mary's Daughter)
Angie (Zonia's Daughter), Stephania (Mary's Daughter), Ron (Kost's Son), Lassia & Audrey (Nick's Daughters)

Would you like to post some information here,
or to get your own e-mail address
@Radomsky.name ?

Contact us at Web@Radomsky.Name


"In 1933 I attended grade XII in Smoky Lake. My cousin, John Radomsky, the vice-principal,
had me stay with him in the shack for the first two and one-half months.

"Halloween night was something to be feared.
John Radomsky knew that the bigger boys would be over at dark to upset the outside toilets.
We moved both toilets off the hole, covered the hole with twigs and grass.

"What a picnic, when a few of the boys fell in. The joke was on them."

Con Semeniuk,  The Journey Continues: The Pawliuk Story”, 1991, The Semeniuk/Pawliuk Reunion Committee, p 173